Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner Candidate
Rupert Matthews is the Conservative candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner in Leicestershire and Rutland.
Rupert brings to the role considerable experience in public service. He has spent 8 years as a unitary authority councillor, 2 years as a Member of the European Parliament and is currently a Parish Councillor in the Leicestershrie village where he lives.
Rupert's Five Point Plan for Policing:
- Visible Policing - Make the police more visible to deter crime, improve security and make it easier to report problems.
- Community Policing - Work with schools, parish councils, neighbourhood watch and the public.
- Hi-Tech Policing - Ensure that our front line police have the training and equipment that they need - including tasers, drones, body cams and more.
- Rural Policing - Specialist teams with training and equipment needed to tackle crime in villages and rural areas.
- City Policing - A no-nonense approach to tackling knife-crime, drugs and ASB.
Details about the PCC and job can be found on this website http://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/Home.aspx